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The marks UPS and THE UPS STORE are registered trademarks of UPS, under license to The UPS Store, Inc. Items shipped by UPS are subject to UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions. *Available at participating The UPS Store locations. 20 off Print Orders at FedEx Office Show coupon More Details 5 COUPON Top Coupon: 5 off Show coupon. Signup, earn points, redeem rewards and donate to causes. UPS rates listed are based on UPS daily rates. Services, pricing and hours of operation may vary by location. P&GGoodEveryday offers rewards, gift cards, printable coupons for toilet paper, laundry detergent, shampoo, baby wipes & more. 15 off 25 purchase of booklets Coupon used: 5 times Success rate: 29 Copy code BK1. Select from our comprehensive list of printing options for your B&W and color copies which best. BEST The UPS Store COUPON CODE: 22 off your online postcard purchase10 minimum now until Jan Coupon used: 41 times Success rate: 51 Copy code PC2. in the USA and by its master licensee and its franchisees in Canada. B&W and color copies and quick prints at The UPS Store. The UPS Store locations are independently owned and operated by licensed franchisees of The UPS Store, Inc. /rebates/2fhome-business-discounts2fups-store&. nor The UPS Store® franchise network are affiliates of AAA, and no sponsorship or endorsement is intended or implied. Services, pricing and hours of operation may vary by location. Promotion code is not redeemable at The UPS Store®. Promotion code must be entered at time of shipment. Only valid on shipments by customers using an account number originating in the US 48 contiguous states made on ups.com. in the USA and by its master licensee and its franchisees in Canada. Valid promo codes for this offer include: DELIVER, EIGSHIPSUPS. The UPS Store locations are independently owned and operated by licensed franchisees of The UPS Store, Inc.