One of the fatalities Doomguy can perform on a Cyber-Knight has him tear off its arm.An Arm and a Leg: It's possible to detach the limbs of basic enemies: You can blow a Former Human's arm off and watch him fall to his knees screaming in agony shoot off an Imp's leg and watch as it hops around before bleeding to death or blow an arm off of a Bull Demon, who will still try to eat you, even when they're bleeding out.All There in the Manual: The PDA has information on things like weapons, enemies, and pickups.The UAC-41 Carbine is based on the Heckler & Koch G36.The GS10 shotgun is based on the Remington 870.Its upgrade, the Martian Raptor, is a futuristic Desert Eagle.500 Hand Cannon is based on the Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum. 45 pistol is based on the FN FNX pistol series.

The PDA entries on these weapons states that the UAC has bought out just about every firearms manufacturer on Earth.

With its origins as an addon mod, Project Brutality offers many of the additions and changes as Brutal Doom advanced combat and movement mechanics, an expanded/reworked weapons roster (including an akimbo system alongside most guns having at least 1 alt-fire mode), a viciously revamped bestiary of foes with many AI improvements to keep you on your toes, sound/graphical enhancements and, of course, a more realistic and spectacularly messy gore system. Suffice it to say, if Brutal Doom takes what the original Doom did and cranked it all up to eleven, then Project Brutality takes what Brutal Doom itself did and turns everything (in the words of one reviewer ) up to 111! As of Version 3.0, the project is now being developed as a standalone mod.
Starting life as PA1NKI113R's Brutal Doom Mod and then Project PA1NKI113R, Project Brutality was initially an addon mod for Brutal Doom which sought to push the envelope of how gameplay mods for Doom could expand upon its mechanics while retaining the classic FPS formula. Then, in 2014, a guy by the name of PA1NKI113R decided that Brutal Doom wasn't mechanically deep enough, so he made another mod for it. So he made a mod for it dubbed Brutal Doom, which quickly rose to fame as one of the most ubiquitous (and infamous) Doom mods of all time. In 2010, a guy by the name of Sergeant_Mark_IV decided that Doom wasn't violent enough.